- Involve employees and customers in innovation initiatives
- Reliable innovation process and information hub to exploit the full potential of ideas and suggestions
- Make well-informed decisions based on systematic evaluations
- Control the implementation of ideas in combination with requirements, product and project management.

Involve employees and customers in your innovation initiatives

You can create appropriate templates that are geared to your innovation project and topic. In this way, you can call up precisely the information that you need for the subsequent steps and for evaluations. These templates are maintained in a central library. Depending on the application, your employees can work securely with the corresponding template to formulate their ideas in a structured way in an easy-to-use browser GUI, which can also be accessed by customers and partners over the Internet.
Discussion forums
The originators of ideas and those who run with them can start a focused discussion and share knowledge based on an idea or an innovation project without having to send out e-mails to all the parties involved. Suitable activity streams support this approach and bundle together even extensive discussions in a clear way. And they can then also be displayed directly later in the context of a specific subject or even a concrete idea. CONTACT Elements Enterprise Search also helps you find this information again quickly on an ad hoc basis thanks to the use of text extracts and keywords.
Involve employees and customers in your innovation initiatives
You can create appropriate templates that are geared to your innovation project and topic. In this way, you can call up precisely the information that you need for the subsequent steps and for evaluations. These templates are maintained in a central library. Depending on the application, your employees can work securely with the corresponding template to formulate their ideas in a structured way in an easy-to-use browser GUI, which can also be accessed by customers and partners over the Internet.
Discussion forums
The originators of ideas and those who run with them can start a focused discussion and share knowledge based on an idea or an innovation project without having to send out e-mails to all the parties involved. Suitable activity streams support this approach and bundle together even extensive discussions in a clear way. And they can then also be displayed directly later in the context of a specific subject or even a concrete idea. CONTACT Elements Enterprise Search also helps you find this information again quickly on an ad hoc basis thanks to the use of text extracts and keywords.

You can create appropriate templates that are geared to your innovation project and topic. In this way, you can call up precisely the information that you need for the subsequent steps and for evaluations. These templates are maintained in a central library. Depending on the application, your employees can work securely with the corresponding template to formulate their ideas in a structured way in an easy-to-use browser GUI, which can also be accessed by customers and partners over the Internet.
Discussion forums
The originators of ideas and those who run with them can start a focused discussion and share knowledge based on an idea or an innovation project without having to send out e-mails to all the parties involved. Suitable activity streams support this approach and bundle together even extensive discussions in a clear way. And they can then also be displayed directly later in the context of a specific subject or even a concrete idea. CONTACT Elements Enterprise Search also helps you find this information again quickly on an ad hoc basis thanks to the use of text extracts and keywords.
Use a reliable innovation process and an information hub

With Innovations, you use ideas in an end-to-end process: from the recording and discussion of the ideas through consolidation and editorial processing and on to concrete formulation and evaluation. You can also control implementation in concrete development projects and technical changes based on your planning, implementation and follow-up activities.
Information hub
Innovations uses the principle of frontloading: All the information relating to an idea for an innovation is systematically recorded from the outset. All the data, such as sketches, calculations, photos and discussions from the evaluation process, is available in a clear and transparent way at all times. Ideas that are not followed up straight away can nevertheless be called up again later quickly and accurately. This operation is simplified by transparent assignments, for example to areas of business and product portfolios.
Use a reliable innovation process and an information hub
With Innovations, you use ideas in an end-to-end process: from the recording and discussion of the ideas through consolidation and editorial processing and on to concrete formulation and evaluation. You can also control implementation in concrete development projects and technical changes based on your planning, implementation and follow-up activities.
Information hub
Innovations uses the principle of frontloading: All the information relating to an idea for an innovation is systematically recorded from the outset. All the data, such as sketches, calculations, photos and discussions from the evaluation process, is available in a clear and transparent way at all times. Ideas that are not followed up straight away can nevertheless be called up again later quickly and accurately. This operation is simplified by transparent assignments, for example to areas of business and product portfolios.
With Innovations, you use ideas in an end-to-end process: from the recording and discussion of the ideas through consolidation and editorial processing and on to concrete formulation and evaluation. You can also control implementation in concrete development projects and technical changes based on your planning, implementation and follow-up activities.
Information hub
Innovations uses the principle of frontloading: All the information relating to an idea for an innovation is systematically recorded from the outset. All the data, such as sketches, calculations, photos and discussions from the evaluation process, is available in a clear and transparent way at all times. Ideas that are not followed up straight away can nevertheless be called up again later quickly and accurately. This operation is simplified by transparent assignments, for example to areas of business and product portfolios.
Make well-informed decisions based on evaluation systems

The various roles and stakeholders systematically evaluate new ideas with the aid of stored schemata configured, for example, on the basis of product type or level of innovation. The quantitative evaluation is carried out as part of a utility analysis on the basis of stored algorithms with the option of custom weighting.
Criterion catalog can be tailored
Before starting the evaluation, you can easily adapt the criterion catalog to your enterprise's needs even without any programming knowledge. In combination with the additional opportunities/risk analysis, Innovations provides a solid basis for the subsequent decisions made by your innovation team.
Make well-informed decisions based on evaluation systems
The various roles and stakeholders systematically evaluate new ideas with the aid of stored schemata configured, for example, on the basis of product type or level of innovation. The quantitative evaluation is carried out as part of a utility analysis on the basis of stored algorithms with the option of custom weighting.
Criterion catalog can be tailored
Before starting the evaluation, you can easily adapt the criterion catalog to your enterprise's needs even without any programming knowledge. In combination with the additional opportunities/risk analysis, Innovations provides a solid basis for the subsequent decisions made by your innovation team.

The various roles and stakeholders systematically evaluate new ideas with the aid of stored schemata configured, for example, on the basis of product type or level of innovation. The quantitative evaluation is carried out as part of a utility analysis on the basis of stored algorithms with the option of custom weighting.
Criterion catalog can be tailored
Before starting the evaluation, you can easily adapt the criterion catalog to your enterprise's needs even without any programming knowledge. In combination with the additional opportunities/risk analysis, Innovations provides a solid basis for the subsequent decisions made by your innovation team.
Plan, control and track the implementation of ideas in connection with downstream processes

Because the ideas are integrated in the product and project context, you can pass them on to the normal development process after they have passed through the entire review process and a decision has been made. This integration means that ideas can be used directly in the downstream product development process, such as requirements management, engineering change management and project management.
Ongoing monitoring
Map ideas to concrete product requirements. Use qualitative indicators to define important target values such as weight, energy consumption or operating temperature. The results of calculations, simulations and tests can then also be recorded either automatically or manually and compared. And if necessary, you can also document and initiate corrective actions.
Plan, control and track the implementation of ideas in connection with downstream processes
Because the ideas are integrated in the product and project context, you can pass them on to the normal development process after they have passed through the entire review process and a decision has been made. This integration means that ideas can be used directly in the downstream product development process, such as requirements management, engineering change management and project management.
Ongoing monitoring
Map ideas to concrete product requirements. Use qualitative indicators to define important target values such as weight, energy consumption or operating temperature. The results of calculations, simulations and tests can then also be recorded either automatically or manually and compared. And if necessary, you can also document and initiate corrective actions.

Because the ideas are integrated in the product and project context, you can pass them on to the normal development process after they have passed through the entire review process and a decision has been made. This integration means that ideas can be used directly in the downstream product development process, such as requirements management, engineering change management and project management.
Ongoing monitoring
Map ideas to concrete product requirements. Use qualitative indicators to define important target values such as weight, energy consumption or operating temperature. The results of calculations, simulations and tests can then also be recorded either automatically or manually and compared. And if necessary, you can also document and initiate corrective actions.
Related Elements
The easier way from requirements to product
Implement requirements in a comprehensible and function-oriented way
Make use of requirements directly within the project and product context
Link requirements and present a clear overview of interrelationships
Monitor the degree of fulfillment and take corrective action
Greater clarity when controlling product and project portfolios
Achieve systematic frontloading with the right ideas and initiatives
Structure your portfolios to achieve greater clarity
Inspect projects at the touch of a button throughout the entire lifecycle
Control customer processes from offer through to after-sales
Control your customer processes directly throughout your project planning and product development operations
Find better ways for your sales, project planning and product development staff to work together
Document agreements reached with the customer and manage discrepancies and changes
Calculate product costs to ensure that the price is right
Calculate product variants and their costs quickly and efficiently
Plan sales targets for optimum costing and increase the profitability of your products
Focus on your objectives to keep your project costs in budget
Seamlessly integrate design and operations of smart products
Analyze and evaluate field data for targeted product enhancements
Involve your customer communities in the ongoing optimization of your products
Use tried-and-tested procedures such as ticket systems and engineering change management for integration in your development processes
Further information
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