- Transtec Gotthard (TTG): Joint venture of several consortium partners with responsibility for the areas of track, contact line, rail safety, rail and tunnel control technology
- TTG was responsible for the planning, execution, and commissioning of the joint project
With a length of 57 kilometers, the Gotthard Base Tunnel is the longest railway tunnel in the world. At the end of 2016, the new railway line was completed – one year earlier than originally planned. The project managers at Transtec Gotthard were able to monitor progress in the installation of railway technology on a daily basis, prioritize work packages according to their potential impact on subsequent tasks, and take preventive action in the event of delays.
- Introduction of an efficient project and process management system for the coordination of the multitude of trades
- Monitoring of the project progress
- Integrated document management
- Recording of deviations and intuitive presentation of their effects
- Basis for reporting to the client AlpTransit Gotthard AG (ATG)
- Multi-project management with Project Office for the coordination of different trades
- Work packages and other project objects such as documents, milestones, deviations, correspondence can be flexibly linked and displayed
- Extensive filtering options according to a variety of criteria
- Project controlling with extensive reporting functionalities and progress monitoring through real-time target/actual comparison of the construction phases
- Recording of deviations and their effects, including visual presentation by means of project traffic lights
- Ensuring that the project is implemented in accordance with the contract by providing comprehensive support for controlling and monitoring the construction measures
- Overview through realistic depiction of complex building structure differentiated by trades and flexible display of all project parameters through customizable menu structure views
- On-time delivery and transparency through work packages and integrated document management
- Comprehensive controlling and reporting functions – including milestone trend analyses for management information
- Display of deviations and delays ensures transparency of current project status and indicates expected bottlenecks so that appropriate countermeasures can be initiated in suitable time

“For 15 years, I was looking for software that would allow us project managers to see at the touch of a button where a project stands and where it is currently stuck.”
Lars Dietrich
former Head of Technology
Transtec Gotthard