Press release - July 27, 2021
Global go-live of CIM Database PLM at HUBER+SUHNER
HUBER+SUHNER AG and CONTACT Software have successfully completed a challenging migration project. Since the beginning of June, CIM Database PLM has been the global development platform at one of the leading manufacturers of industrial connectivity.
Replacing a PDM system that had grown over many years but was no longer up to date, with millions of articles, documents, products, projects and more, is a challenge in its own. Corona-related restrictions and, as a result, only virtual meetings for months made the strategic PLM project of the globally active HUBER+SUHNER Group based in Switzerland more difficult. But this has not endangered the successful go-live of CIM Database.
Future-proof platform
Despite difficult conditions, HUBER+SUHNER pushed ahead with the switch to the CONTACT Elements platform and the new PLM applications, and in parallel trained around 1,000 employees worldwide. CONTACT Software and its partner T-Systems migrated the existing data stock to CIM Database and deeply integrated the system into the IT landscape and corporate processes.
The new solution is already widely used and will be further expanded as needed. "The open Elements platform allows us to expand our PLM system very flexibly," says Manfred Schien, who headed the IT project at HUBER+SUHNER. "This means we are always ready to act when new requirements come our way." Today, the company already has an application environment that comprehensively supports and secures the product development process.

Global collaboration
CIM Database ensures consistent data, uniform processes, better collaboration, and compliance at HUBER+SUHNER's development centers and production sites. Key applications include project management, product management, multi-CAD data management for AutoCAD, Catia, SolidWorks and two cable CAD systems, as well as the automatic synchronization of articles, eBOMs, documents and their changes via CONTACT's certified SAP interface into the global ERP system.
Another important PLM component for the company is Universal Classification. This core service of the Elements platform reduces the effort required for master data management, standardizes the description of PLM objects, and enables fast searches in the PLM database. HUBER+SUHNER will also link the classification module to its eCommerce systems.
In addition, CIM Database serves as a material database and, in conjunction with an EHS solution, ensures that material declarations comply with environmental and safety-related directives (RoHS, REACH, etc.).
Innovative training program
HUBER+SUHNER trained around 1000 employees worldwide digitally and to the point for the go-live of CIM Database. The company relied on a train-the-trainer concept in combination with a dedicated e-learning offering. Following instruction in CONTACT's e-learning platform, the project core team also created its own PLM courses tailored to the company's processes. This team first trained the key users at the various sites, who in turn trained their colleagues.
"A stable and highly motivated team over the entire duration of the project, the excellent know-how of the CONTACT employees involved, and open and trusting cooperation were the key factors for the project's success. CONTACT Software provided us with excellent support in every phase, so that the go-live went smoothly," says Manfred Schien. "And we can already see that CIM Database makes global collaboration within the company, as well as with customers and partners, more efficient and easier."
HUBER+SUHNER is a leading international manufacturer of electrical and optical connectivity in three key technologies: radio frequency, fiber optics and low frequency. The products that the Group develops and manufactures for the communication, transportation and industry segments are in demand worldwide. A global production network, combined with subsidiaries and agencies in over 80 countries, puts the company close to its customers. In the 2020 financial year, HUBER+SUHNER AG generated sales of CHF 737.9 million with 4,410 employees.